Explores the Photoshop features and creative options and shows efficient ways to perform common editing tasks using Photoshop, Camera Raw, and Bridge.
Sep 24, 2014.. Learn how to organize, edit, and share your photos with Photoshop Elements 13.
(music playing) Hi and welcome to Photoshop Essential Training. My name is Julieanne Kost and together, we're going to discover the most efficient way to use Photoshop to manage our images, enhance our photographs, composite multiple images together and automate our work flow. As Photoshop has evolved it's developed into three distinct applications. Adobe bridge, Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe photoshop. We'll begin in Bridge where you'll learn how to download images from your camera. Welcome (music playing) Hi and welcome to Photoshop Essential Training. My name is Julieanne Kost and together, we're going to discover the most efficient way to use Photoshop to manage our images, enhance our photographs, composite multiple images together and automate our work flow. As Photoshop has evolved it's developed into three distinct applications. Adobe bridge, Adobe Camera Raw and Adobe photoshop. We'll begin in Bridge where you'll learn how to download images from your camera. Organize and select the best photograps from a shoot. Add meta deta. Rate the images and quickly make collections. Once we've organized our images with Bridge, we'll take them into Camera Raw to start enhancing them. Next we'll master all of the fundamentals of working with Photoshop, including layers and masking, selections and adjustment layers, retouching essentials, compositing. blend modes, filters layer effects, and much, much more. My goal is to have you creating professional results as soon as possible. So let's get started. Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Photoshop CC Essential Training . Here are the FAQs that matched your search "" : Expand all | Collapse all
Photoshop tutorials walk through fundamentals, image editing and more. Learn how to use photo editing software with online tutorials from lynda.com.
Apr 26, 2012.. In Photoshop CS6 Essential Training, Julieanne Kost demonstrates how to produce high-quality images in a short amount of time, using a ..
Apr 30, 2010.. In Photoshop CS5 Essential Training, author Michael Ninness demonstrates how to produce the highest quality images with fantastic detail in ..