A BBC light-hearted drama series about an English Detective Inspector who is forced to transfer to the small Caribbean island of Saint-Marie; unfortunately, he hates sun, sea and sand.
Year: 2011 Seasons: 4 Episodes: 24 Subtitles: 70 Downloads: 1877 Drama series about a detective inspector who is assigned to investigate a murder on the paradise island of Saint-Marie in the Caribbean, despite his hatred of sun, sea and sand.
May 1, 2013.. HDTV.x264-FoV, Death in Paradise.s02e05. Episode.5. Death In Paradise - S02 - E05.avi | 734040064 | Movie filenames. Working.
Show: The Paradise (show info) Season: 2 Episode: 1. Released: 20th Oct 2013. Filesize: 351.34 MB Episode Description. There is no summary description for ..
HDTV.x264-FoV.ro.srt. The Paradise - 2x03 - Episode 3.HDTV.x264-FoV.ro.srt. The Paradise - 2x04 - Episode 4.HDTV.x264-RiVER.ro.srt. The Paradise - 2x05 ..